New Year’s Resolution Check-In

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Alright, so it’s been a month since you made that New Year’s resolution focused on reaching a healthy weight. How’s it going? Be honest with yourself. Have you been staying strong, trying a little bit or completely forgotten about it? Maybe it’s time to revisit your goal.


First, evaluate why you aren’t sticking to your resolution. Are you unmotivated? Is there something in your way? Maybe it just wasn’t a good fit for you in the first place? While the start of a New Year is good time for starting new goals doesn’t mean it always has to be like that because you can start a new goal literally any time you want. Stop saying tomorrow and start simply say today.


Maybe you are unmotivated. That’s okay. It happens. But now let’s focus on how to get and stay motivated. Consider an accountability partner is what you need or a reward system. How about telling everyone you know? The more people that know, the more accountability you will have.


Consider what obstacles are standing in the way of you achieving your goals. Are they obstacles that you can change yourself? If so, why haven’t they been changed yet? If not, is there a way to make sure they don’t negatively affect you?
You may feel a little overwhelmed with all the questions asked but it’s necessary to be honest with yourself in order to make change. Remember, if you ever need help or a little motivation, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone!



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.